María Cristina
St. John Apparel
I am currently studying law at UTH. I live in Residencial Villas San Juan, with my girls, which is also a project of the Group and benefits its collaborators. In my free time I enjoy taking care of my family. I like to learn from others, I have had very good leaders in my working life within the Group. I know how to listen, and I like to learn from all my coworkers, from the smallest to the biggest. I have been with the Group for 17 years and I am currently working as Operations and Logistics Manager.In Elcatex Group one can aspire and learn, it gives us the opportunity to grow, to study, it gives us training, it has doors and windows open for us to take the opportunity and assume the risk. I came to work in the distribution center as anImport Export assistant. Then I became coordinator of Import Export, then head of the same area until I reached my current position. I invite you to continue working together, we are a company that evolves over the years, and we are going for more.I want to thank God first of all for the opportunity because he has been by my side until now; to my parents who have been leaders to teach me to trace the path; to my father who is with God and every leader I have had, managers, colleagues; each one has taught me personally and at work.
Brenda Lizet
San Lucas Apparel
I am a Human Resources Specialist in Talent Acquisition and Training at San LucasApparel; I schedule the counseling and coordinate the training of the plant employees. I started working 9 years ago when the company was called Dickies. This company was acquired by Elcatex Group and renamed San Lucas. Now I have been with SanLucas for a year and a half. This has been my first job and my motivation to continue in the company has been the professional growth and the experience I have achieved.My job has allowed me to graduate in Industrial Relations; I am working on my dream of starting a family and buying my own house, I know that with God's help and my work I will achieve it.My strengths are teamwork and responsibility, thanks to this I have been able to grow in Elcatex Group. I started working in 2014 as a Quality Auditor in Production; then after two years, I was promoted to Quality. Upon graduation, I was promoted to the administrative area as an Assistant and after 8 months I was given the opportunity to move to the position I hold now.I had no experience in the area, but the company has trusted in my ability and Ihave been able to respond to the responsibility. My message is to study. When youstudy, there is nothing to stop you. Be patient, opportunities always come when you least expect them.

Javier Amílcar
San Lucas Apparel
Currently, I work as an Industrial Mechanic at San Lucas Apparel, a company that opened the doors for me to work as an Inspector in 2002. Eventually, I had the opportunity to move to Quality as an Auditor, after 3 years of performing this position I completed tests to become an Instructor. The company has provided me with opportunities for growth, which motivated me to continue my studies.May 2023 not only marks 21 years of working for one of the most stable companies in Honduras, but also my dreams and goals. Among my fulfilled dreams is the job stability that has allowed me to pay for my house and give my daughter an education.One of my biggest challenges has been to constantly update myself, we have been working with mechanical machines, but technology has been modernizing many processes for which we have to be prepared so as not to be left behind.My advice is to enjoy the work, this opens the doors to new opportunities. I consider myself an example of this. Not everything is work, in my free time, I like togo for walks with my family and play soccer, for next year I want to travel outside the country and learn about other cultures.
Marlon Alexander
San Lucas Apparel
I work as Production Supervisor in San Lucas one of Elcatex Group's manufacturing plants. In January 2023 I will be working for Elcatex Group for 2years. When I started, I set out to finish building my house, then graduate inAutomotive Mechanics and finish my high school. My new goal is to studyArchitecture. My motivation to continue working at San Lucas has been the work environment and the doors to new opportunities. I started as an operator, then they gave me the promotion to Audit and Quality Control; then I was a trainer. One of the biggest challenges for me has been to produce cuts with quality and speed to be exported immediately. It's complicated, but we've done it. I am very proud to be part of Elcatex Group.Two of my strengths have been God and my family. I have been married for 24years, and as a result of my marriage I have two daughters: María Gabriela and María José. In my free time I like to make tailoring, I have installed two machines in my house, and I make garments.Let's not faint before anything, let's always keep our minds and dreams high, let's not stop being humble and bearable.

Kevin David
St. John Apparel
I am a Production Coordinator at St. John's, I studied Business Management, and I am originally from Danlí, El Paraíso. When I was 10 years old I migrated to Choloma with my mother looking for a better future.Before I turned 18, I sold water at traffic lights. Then I worked as a bus driver and bricklayer. When I came of age, I was hired in a company as an operator, I grew to become a Production Supervisor.I retired from the previous company wanting to learn new things, and that is howI joined Francis Apparel, a manufacturing company of Elcatex Group, asProduction Supervisor. After 2 years, I became Warehouse Supervisor of cut parts, managing all the inventory. My good performance opened the door to a new opportunity at St. John.I am about to complete 5 years of working for Elcatex Group and it has been a challenging, phenomenal experience and as a vision I want to continue learning todo things right.Where I am was a goal, to be someone, to be prosperous, and in the future, I have many. One is to form my home and then study for my master's degree. In the longterm I see myself in another position, maybe even corporate. My strengths have always been perseverance and leadership with people, it is a gift that God has given me, and I try to strengthen it by reading about leadership.Every effort has its sacrifice, but in the end, there is a reward; if you want it, you can do it. It's all about trust and hard work. It is worth dreaming.
Marlon Medina
St. John Apparel
I work at St. John as Maintenance Manager. I studied Industrial Sewing MachineTechnician at INFOP. When the Human Resources Manager called me to offer me the position of Mechanics Supervisor, I saw it as a challenge, because the company was just starting up.Improving and maintaining the plant's infrastructure is a daily challenge. I have been working here for a year and a half. Soon after, I was offered the position of Maintenance Manager.I had heard that Elcatex Group is one of the best Honduran companies to work for, and I could see that it was. I had never seen a company invest so much in the installation of a new plant in order to keep its employees in good conditions, we are in the right place.I have achieved my goals and one of them was to give my eldest daughter, who studied engineering, the opportunity to study. She went to Spain to work in an insurance company, it was very hard for me because separating from a child is very complicated, but it was for a better future. My next goal is to give my two youngest children an education. In my free time I like to play soccer, go to the movies, watchTV and spend time with my family.

Mildred Portillo
Elcatex Group
I studied a Technical Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in high school and did my internship at Elcatex. That's how my story began here 19 years ago. I started as a digitizer and currently I am working as a Corporate Business Analyst. I am a fan of spending time with my family and coffee afternoons with my mom and friends. I am someone who never gives up, proof of this is that I joined a department and company occupied mostly by men. However, working at Elcatex provided me with a lot of empowerment and learning. I love Elcatex, it is my home. My message is to never stop persisting. It is great to see the growth of women in this field! In the Group, the ideas that we women have contributed have been heard and are a reality. Creativity, intuition and persistence are the only things that assure us success.
Idania Flores
Elcatex Group
I like spending time with my family and enjoy knowing that they are well in every way. I studied Industrial Engineering and thanks to my degree I started working here. I have been working for the company for 19 years. Something I like is teamwork because I believe in strengthening everyone and the company through team integration. I always started in the Quality department and I have been able to grow until I reached the area's Management. Here, one learns from everything, even from the customers' criteria. I have been able to see the changes in the Group over time. At the beginning, it was a little intimidating to enter an area where more men work, and even more so when I was young. The culture of respect for women has become stronger and stronger over the years. Women have an impressive capacity to learn whatever we set our minds to. The experience working at Elcatex Group has been very good. I have seen many innovative things and it is a company with solutions that are not comparable to other companies in the industry. Working here in the Group has been and is a great experience; it is a company that does things well. Here us women have many opportunities to grow and I am proof of that.

Walkiria Rivera
Genesis Apparel
I studied Industrial Engineering and I like to learn new things always. For that reason, I have continued to take university courses to keep learning. In 2007, I started looking for a new job. The day after I sent my resume, I got a call. Even though I did not have the experience in a management position, it became a very nice challenge. I was surprised to see that a Honduran company had so much progress and development. The experience working at Genesis has been enriching. Something that prepared me to work in an environment dominated by men was having all my uncles in my life. I have excellent relationships with my colleagues. Women, don't stop dreaming and make plans to fulfill them. As women and mothers, we align our plans and share our children's plans as well. There are options to grow, there are options to do very well. I appreciate the Vision shared with us by our president, Jesus Canahuati, as this makes us feel committed - which becomes a blessing and a joy. This is reflected in the growth of the Group and myself.
Adelina Araujo
St Matthew Apparel
I started working as an auditor after graduating from high school with a degree in Business Administration. I have always worked in the Development area, in the Sewing area, and thanks to the experience I gained, they opened the doors at Saint Matthew's as a Training Supervisor. I like to enjoy my children. My dreams have changed according to my situations. Two years ago I wanted to Nish college, however, as a result of Covid-19, my husband passed away. My priority now is to provide the best future for my children. I have learned to be resilient and not give up. Elcatex Group is very human, and that promotes our commitment to the company. It has been challenging to work in an industry where men make up the majority, but here we practice equal opportunity. Life puts us through some very difficult things and trials, but God never leaves us. As long as you put your plans in God’s hands and do things with love, doors always open. Here I have learned to work with my heart and I know that I am part of a family.

Edwin Teruel
Elcatex Group
Hello, my name is Edwin Teruel, I have been with Elcatex for more than 15 years. This is the first and only place where I have developed my professional career. When I did my internship, I gave all my effort because I felt passionate for what I was doing. At the end, I received a job o er as a production clerk. In the development of my position, one of my main tasks was to keep track of the production times. I worked night shifts, and during the time that I have worked with the company, I have been promoted to different positions. Recently I became Senior Knitting Manager, for both Elcatex and San Juan Textiles. Elcatex has provided me with the professional growth that I have sought for, and it has been a great life experience to have the opportunity to be in this company, I’m so happy to be part of this family. One of my hobbies is listening to good music and playing my guitar, it’s something that relaxes me. I usually do it in my spare time, once all the work is done, but I try to use it as a quality time to share with my wife and my two kids.
Gisela Martinez
Elcatec Group
Hello, I´m Gisela, as a woman I play several roles: wife, daughter, sister, aunt and a proud mom. I started at Grupo Elcatex in 2003 as a university intern, after that, I began my professional career as a Human Resources Assistant, currently I hold the position of Corporate Director of Human Resources and I enjoy helping other people develop their potential. I became a mother in the midst of the pandemic, I thank Grupo Elcatex for the ability of being able to play my role as a professional and a mother. I am honored to represent women who perform many tasks in the different roles, I desire to be an instrument to enable others to reach their goals as a professional, mothers and wives.

José Garrido
Elcatex Group
Hello, my name is José Garrido, I started in Elcatex Group as a University Intern in 2007, I currently have the position of Corporate Manager of IT Operations. I feel fortunate and very grateful with God, life and especially with Elcatex Group for giving me the opportunity to be part of the team. I come from a family with principles and values, reason why, part of my life mission is to be an instrument of peace and service. I like to enjoy the little things in life, and I am passionate for sports. I feel very proud to belong to Elcatex Group, it has been an instrument to improve my family's quality of life, whom are my main motivation to face the challenges that arise.
Jaqueline Guerrero
Elcatec Group
My name is Jaqueline Guerrero and I graduated with a degree in Business Management from Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras (UTH). In 2013, I started working for Elcatex Group as a Camera Monitoring Officer and currently, I am the Security Coordinator. Working with Elcatex Group has been one of the best experiences of my life since I have had the opportunity to develop personally and professionally. It was here where I met my husband two years ago. Now, we have our baby Osly, who came to change our lives. He became our strength, a reason to move forward and to be the best example for him. I thank Elcatex Group for the opportunity to belong to the best and prestigious company in the textile-manufacturing industry. May God always bless the owners and partners of the company so that they continue to generate employment and development for our country.

Daniel Sierra
Elcatex Group
Hi, I'm Daniel Sierra and I've been working for Elcatex Group for 16 years. I started in the Planning area and nine months later I got my first promotion until I reached my current position of Plant Manager, being the leader of the Production Plant. After knocking on many doors, Elcatex Group gave me the opportunity to start my professional life. Together with my wife, we moved from Tegucigalpa to Choloma, and now we have a home with two children. I thank God for the opportunity to work in a place where the days are never the same. There is always something to learn from the textile industry, from the people in my team - with whom I talk to every day - and that allows us to always come with our batteries recharged. I am grateful to the Canahuati family for the opportunity and trust to lead the Plant and we hope to continue learning and giving much more every day.
Rosaura Cobos
Elcatec Group
Hi! My name is Rosaura Cobos. I am a mother, daughter, and provider in my household. I had the opportunity to study Industrial Engineering at Louisiana State University. After working for 10 years in Houston, Texas, I returned to Honduras and found the perfect job at Elcatex Group. During my 22 years of employment at Elcatex Group, I have worked in several areas, such as, production, purchasing and business management. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities for improvement. As a team, we always strive to rise to the occasion and come up with innovative solutions that will enhance our processes. Teamwork has certainly been vital for our company’s expansion and success. Overall, Elcatex Group provided the professional stability, security, and growth that I needed throughout my career. I love my family, my job, my community, my country, but above all, I have God with me. I enjoy participating in fundraising activities with Elcatex Group-sponsored organizations such as MHOTIVO and OSOVI and spending time with my wonderful family and friends.