
Allmade Defining Values

Each of our Founders are equally passionate about creating a better shirt for a better tomorrow. A shirt that is not only eco-friendly, but one that also helps give people a leg up and benefits orphan care. This time last year our founders came together and defined Allmade’s values. These values help our company and the people in it have a reason for the work that they do.

Here at Allmade, we started creating our values by writing down on sticky notes what we wanted our company to be. The founders wrote down values such as helping the needy, jobs before automation, ethical wages, fair trade, eco-friendly, defying the status quo, and more. Each of these things were combined and transformed into our four core values. Which are: 

  • Bring the Fire - We advocate, share, and fully commit to our purpose. When the chips are down, we preserve through doubt, through failure, and through those who don't believe or who try to stop us.

  • Selfless Love - It is not about us, it is bigger than us. We will give love to the people who need it and to the mother earth that supports it before us. We are all about people and the planet over the process. Fair wages, as well as sustainable supply chain and business practices, are at the top of our minds. 

  • Openness - We are transparent and we are inclusive. We are open to new ways of doing things and new people to do them with. 

  • Prestige - We build widespread respect and admiration in the market based on our quality, our achievements, and our purpose.

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