Ecofriendly Packaging.

* Hello friends! Recently we posted a blog about eco-friendly packaging, where we talked about compostable packaging. Thank you to those that shared their thoughts with us which helped us to educate ourselves a little bit more on this topic. We have revised the blog, and have made some changes. Check it out! 

With consumers more aware than ever about their impact on the environment, it’s time you take a look at your packaging options. We wanted to help make it easy for you, so we did a little looking around and found some pretty cool alternatives for your standard poly bag.

Ecoenclose is one of our favorites! Their 100% recycled poly bag is made of 100% recycled content, and 50% of it is made of post-consumer waste. Can you get any better than that? They have a wide range of sizes, and some bundle options to save you money. You can also customize your bag with your branding to really make a great first impression. While you’re on their site, check out their options for customizing their 100% recycled shipping boxes as well! 

While we were on their site, we came across a really cool article that does an amazing job breaking down all the reasons why you should try your hardest to purchase packaging options made from post-consumer recycled materials. You should totally take a minute and read that article HERE

You should also keep in mind, the ease of recycling the packaging once the customer unpacks the goods. Can they simply toss it in the recycle bin? Or will they have to take it to a special drop-off location? Having packaging that your customer can easily recycle means less waste will end up in the landfills.


For our wholesale customers, don't forget to spice up your cardboard boxes. You should screen print your logo, a funny saying, or even you company values. Distinguish yourself from your competitors and make your boxes memorable! Bonus points: Purchase post-consumer recycled boxes! (The pic above is from one of our founders, Printed Threads.)

Check out another Allmade founder, Superior Ink's boxes:

We also love what Threadbare Print House has done with their boxes too:

Threadbare Print House

Hope these links helped, and if you have any cool eco-shipping products you use, make sure to let us know so we can continue to educate ourselves and our customers. Remember, it’s never too late to walk the talk, so take a closer look with your packaging and make a great impression on your customers!

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