Life of a Female Screen Printer

Yes, that is Life of a Female Screen Printer, Alexa, riding her two wheels looking like a total boss babe! We are so excited to have her takeover our Instagram account for the day! Check out what she had to say for our blog questions below. Enjoy! 

How did you get started in the apparel game?

My husband Tyler actually lured me in! We started In-House Prints in 2016. He had his brand Free2Ride but needed someone on board to help out with other clients. So basically, t-shirts are what brought us together :) 


What’s your idea of a perfect day in the shop?

One of my favorite things about my job is the creation aspect of it. I really love meeting with clients and going over their vision. I guess I love bringing peoples visions to life! So a perfect day would really just be me being able to successfully execute that aspect. 

 Life of a Female Screen Printer

How did your obsession with Pure Leaf start?

I was born with Pure Leaf in hand...haha I don't know, it just kind of happened. I usually crave sweet stuff when I'm stressed so my go-to was iced tea and now it's just become a daily thing! 

 Life of a Female Screen Printer

Why do you like printing on Allmade tees?

Allmade tees are by far the BEST eco-friendly tee we've ever worked with. I've seen my fair share and honestly, I'd rather wear a cardboard box. These shirts fit well, print well and feel great. They have a bigger purpose than just being a shirt. They are changing the game of sustainability in the print world! 

How do you bring greener practices into your shop?

We have a few things that we've implemented that just about any shop can! We've slowly phased out ink cards and moved over to "putty spreaders." We use water based adhesive, no more aerosol! We use test shirts that are damaged. But we use every square inch of them and then turn them into rags (eliminating paper towels!!). We don't have custom boxes for our clients. While I would love to have them, the shirts come in boxes!!! Re-use them and recycle them! The biggest and easiest is to recycle in general. You'd be surprised how much recycling a shop can create! Just do your part!


Life of a Female Screen Printer

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